
Showing posts from January, 2017

When Will Nigerians Learn From Their Mistakes?

"Those who can not remember the past, are condemned to repeat it"(George Santayana, an American Philosopher). Our fathers who orchestrated the first Coup d'etat, made a huge mistake by destroying the Tafawa Balewa government. Their reason for this, is the corrupt practices and embezzlement of public funds in the government. Their Aim: To clean up the government. Unfortunately, Nigerians came to realize that the military Heads of state where just as bad and corrupt as the Politicians. At this point, particularly just before the 4th Republic, it became crystal clear that the only way to move Nigeria forward, was to elect and vote for a worthy candidate. A candidate who is just, intelligent, vainglorious, corrupt-free, and different from the previous Heads of state. At least that's what i thought Nigerians had in mind. But i was wrong. Instead, we voted for another retired Head of state, to usher in the 4th Republic. It became even worse when we voted for this same ma...

Rawls Theory of Justice: A Panacea to the Jagons of Societal Proceedings

In spite of the incessant efforts of Political Philosophers on how best justice should be administered, societal proceedings in Nigeria are clearly being done unjustly. The rich often prey on the poor. Nigeria has become a country where the rich get richer and the poor gets poorer. A country where underpaid professions are being discriminated. Based on a firm research, a Police Recruit earns a consolidated annual salary of N108,000. This brings his monthly salary to about N9,000-N10,000. A police on grade level 02(1) earns a monthly salary of about N42,000, while a police on grade level 02(10) earns about N46,000-N47,000 monthly. Also, a Street Cleaner earns a monthly salary of about N18,000-N25,000. A Nigerian teacher also earn about N60,000 for level 8. Furthermore, a federal University lecturer at a Graduate Assistant level, earns about N105,000-N120,000 per month(CONUASS), while at an Assistant Lecturer level, he earns about N120,000-N146,000 per month(CONUASS), excluding ta...

A Breakaway Nigeria: The Best Way Forward

Today, Nigeria doesn't seem to be moving forward. Why is this? Is it because of our corrupt leaders? Is it because Nigerian youths are mostly idle when it comes to political matters? Should we blame the British for creating Nigeria by amalgamating three major tribes into one territory? Yes,  the British should be blamed for the woes of our so-called Nigeria. Even though our leaders have a share in this blame, the British should take most of the blame. Perhaps a concise look at the early history of Nigeria, will give us a clue as to why the British should be blamed for the woes of Nigeria. Historically speaking, the three main tribes; Hausa, Igbo and Yoruba, were amalgamated in 1914 to form a single territory. Later on, this single territory became known as Nigeria, translated to roughly mean "people living around the Niger area". Why were these giant tribes amalgamated? The answer is simple. These tribes were amalgamated to simply fulfil a business deal. Let me expa...

Extortionists in The Guise of Pastors

"Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the lord of hosts, if i will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it."(Malachi 3:10). Indeed, this verse of the Bible has become a National Anthem for most Extortionists or the so-called Pastors, who deliberately preach the compulsory payment of tithe, just to fill their pockets. Much worse, these Extortionists also quote (Malachi 3:8-9), in order to lure members to always pay their tithes. "Will a man rob God? Yet ye have robbed me. But ye say, wherein have we robbed thee? In tithes and offerings. Ye are cursed with a curse: for ye have robbed me, even this whole Nation."(Malachi 3:8-9). From this, it would seem as if tithing is a burden. Actually, it is not. In the biblical era, it was an exercise that everyone longed for. Perhaps a look at how tithes were being paid in the b...